
In Media Res: Representations of Infertility in Comics and Graphic Novels

I’m thrilled to have collaborated with Dr Anna Feigenbaum (Principal Academic in Digital Storytelling) and Alexandra Alberda (PhD researcher in Graphic Medicine) from the Civic Media Hub at Bournemouth University on a project about infertility in Graphic Medicine (the use of comics in medical education and patient care).

In Media Res is an academic blog exploring contemporary approaches to studying media that has theme weeks focusing on particular subjects - we contributed to their Infertility theme week by creating a zine exploring how comics represent the emotional effects of infertility, often nuancing and challenging mainstream media narratives:

Graphic Infertility: Representations of Infertility in Comics and Graphic Novels

A big thank you to participating artists Sarah Glidden, Cara Gormally, Sheila Alexander, Jenell Johnson, and Emily Steinberg for contributing to the zine. Permissions to use images was granted by the artists included; if you would like to use the images please reach out to them via the links provided in the zine.

For more from these artists please see the following works:

Sarah Glidden: Barren

Cara Gormally: We Doubled Down

Sheila Alexander: IF: A Memoir of Infertility

Jenell Johnson: Present/Perfect

Emily Steinberg: Broken Eggs

And thank you to Alex for the wonderful avatar she created of me!