Fertility Fest 2019: Our Mission - Public Discourse

My latest blog post for Fertility Fest 2019 is the 2nd in a 3-part series about Fertility Fest’s 3 big aims

The second pillar of our social mission is something we're all hugely passionate about - improving the level of public conversation about infertility and reproductive science

Since the first Fertility Fest in 2016, there's been SO much change in public awareness of infertility, and how we talk about it. You only have to look at what's happening in this community - with podcasts such as The Fertility Podcast, Big Fat Negative, The TTC Life Raft, Cat Strawbridge’s #EveryStoryMatters Instagram Lives (amongst many, many other initiatives in this fantastic insta-family) now at the vanguard of tackling the issues around this subject

This post looks at the new taboos that still need to be settled, and the difficult questions we need to ask about how changes in reproductive science are changing the way the human race is going to be made

Issues like genetic technology, surrogacy, donor conception, alternative families and womb transplants - just because we can does that mean we should?

Our Mission: Public Discourse

Please do read the blog post, share and let us know what you think - really hoping to see as many of you as possible at the Fest in Apr/May!